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How to add a fuel surcharge

Modified May 22, 2018 | Created May 22, 2018 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Module 8: Scenarios

Adding a fuel surcharge can be accomplished several different ways but care must be taken to choose best solution for the requirements.

The three scenarios available are:

  1. Add a single or zoned based fuel surcharge.
  2. Add a fuel surcharge for each fare.
  3. Add the fuel surcharge as a tax.

Scenario 1 – Add a single or zoned based fuel surcharge


  • Small number of inventory items to manage and update
  • Applies the proper taxes


  • With only a handful of fuel surcharges for all the possible fares, exact percentage matching with the fare is not possible.
  • Does not automatically change with fare price changes.  This may be desired.


  1. Add the surcharge(s) as an inventory.
    » Setup Inventories
  2. Add the surcharge to the pricing groups.
    » Setup Pricing

Scenario 2 – Add a fuel surcharge for each fare


  • Can match all fares as there is a corresponding surcharge inventory for every fare.
  • Applies the proper taxes.


  • With possibly a large number of inventory items, managing and updating is a large task.
  • Does not automatically change with fare price changes.  This may be desired.


  1. Add each surcharge as an inventory.
    » Setup Inventories
  2. Add each surcharge to the pricing groups.
    » Setup Pricing

Scenario 3 – Add the fuel surcharge as a tax


  • Easiest to setup.
  • Applies to all fares by percentage or rate.
  • Surcharge always properly relates to the fare price.


  • Since the surcharge is setup as a tax and self-referencing of taxes is not possible (“tax on a tax”), all tax implications are not shown on the invoice and must be manually calculated after posting to accounting.
  • Automatically changes with fare price changes.  This may not be desired.


  1. Add the surcharge(s) as an tax.
    » Setup Taxes
  2. Add the surcharge tax to the inventories.
    » Setup Inventories