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Modified December 6, 2017 | Created September 26, 2016 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Module 4: Billing

Agents can be tied to bookings for tracking and management purposes as well as commissions.

Add an agent

  1. Open a booking.
  2. On the General tab, click the agent search icon or press ALT + T.

  3. Find the agent.

  4. Select the agent and press ENTER or double click.
  5. The Agent field has updated.
  6. Optional.  Enter a Reference from the agent.

  7. Click the Billing tab.
  8. The agent will be listed for any commissionable sales items.

Activate commissions

  1. Open a booking.
  2. Click Checked.

  3. Click the Billing tab.
  4. The commission is now active.

  5. Click OK.

Manually add a commission

  1. Open the booking.
  2. Click the Billing tab.

  3. Select an inventory, or click Add an inventory.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the Agents tab, double click New Agent.

  6. Find the agent and set the commission.

  7. Optional.  Uncheck the Pending checkbox to immediately active the commission.

  8. Click OK.

Manually change a commission

  1. Open the booking.
  2. Click the Billing tab.

  3. Select the commission.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Update the commission has required.

  6. Optional.  Uncheck the Pending checkbox to immediately active the commission.

  7. Click OK.

Commission reports

  1. Click View > Web Reports.
  2. In the Accounting section, click Commissions Report.
