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Find a contact

Modified November 3, 2017 | Created September 24, 2016 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Module 2: Contacts

Find contact by name

  1. From the main window, click Address Book tab.

  2. Enter the customer name in the search field.

    Examples: Fred FlintstoneF Flintstone, Fred F, Fr Flin

  3. Click Find.

Find by Contact #

  1. From the main window, click the Address Book tab.
  2. Enter the # followed by the customer number in the search field.
  3. Press ENTER or click Find.

    Example: #1103

Find contact by similar sounding name (“Sounds like…”)

You can use the sounds like search when:

  • You are confident the customer is in the database but you cannot find their name
  • You are unsure of the exact spelling of the customer you are trying to search
  1. From the main window, click Address Book tab.
  2. Enter the customer name in the search field.

    Example: Frad Fluntoon

  3. Press CTRL + ENTER or click the Find drop-down and then Similar Names.

  4. The results will load with any similar sounding names.

Find by contact phone number or email

  1. From the main window, click the Address Book tab.
  2. Click the Search and then Address Book from the toolbar.

  3. Search by phone number or email address.


  4. Click Find.

Find by passenger in a group booking

There are times when a passenger has been added to a group booking and in many cases they do not have a customer file of their own.

  1. From the main window, click the Address Book tab.
  2. Enter the customer name in the search field.
  3. Click Find.
    The may be no results due to the passenger being part of a group booking.

  4. Press ALT + ENTER or click the Find drop-down list and Find Passengers.

  5. This will find all customers who have the searched passenger in any of their group bookings.

  6. Select and press ENTER or double-click the customer.
  7. Click the Bookings tab to review bookings.
  8. From the list of bookings, the correct booking can be determined.

Advanced wildcard search

Wildcards can be used on any field in both search methods.

% Represents any string
_ Represents a single character or number
[0-9] A single number within a range
[a] A single character in a list

Examples of a valid searches in the open-ended search box for John Smith of Hampton Suites would be:

  • _ohn _mith
  • %Suites%
  • J[aeiou]hn Smith

Examples searches in the Phone field of the Advanced Search for 888-555-1234:

  • 8[68][68]-555-1234
  • 888-555-123[0-9]