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Modified December 6, 2017 | Created August 11, 2017 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Module 6: Scheduling

The legs are the physical connections between two locations for a single schedule.

There can be multiple locations or hops which make up a schedule.

Additional resources:
» Core Concepts | Legs

Setup a single leg

Create a single, one way, point to point schedule.

  1. Click the Legs tab.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select the Departure location.

  4. Set the departure Date and Time.

  5. Optional.  Set the departure Gate.

  6. Select the Arrival location.

  7. Set the arrival Date and Time.

  8. Optional.  Set the arrival Gate.

  9. Click OK.  The leg has been created.

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Setup multiple legs

Adding legs allows for multiple hops on a single schedule.

Once created, additional routing can be generated between the locations along the path.

» Setup a single leg
  1. Clicks the Legs tab.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter departure and arrival fields.

  4. Click OK.  The second leg has been created.

  5. Additional legs can be added following the same process.

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