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My First Booking

Modified October 8, 2019 | Created March 16, 2017 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Quick Start Guide

A schedule must be active for bookings.
» My First Schedule

Let’s create a new booking!

  1. Click New Booking on the toolbar in the main window.  The Find Availability window will open.

  2. In the Search tab for the Date Range field, enter the Departure Date.

  3. Optional.  Press ALT + D or click on the calendar icon (right side) to bring up the date selection window.

  4. Optional.  Check off the second date field to search a departure date by date range.
    In this example, March 20, 2017 until March 25, 2017.

  5. Optional.  Enter the departure and arrival locations in the Routing section.

  6. Click the Find button.

  7. The results window will display booking availability.

    You may wish to only view the Passenger and/or Freight classes.
    » Find Availability Filter
  8. Highlight a route and click Book Now.

  9. The Booking window will open.

  10. Click the Name search button or press ALT + M.  This is the minimum requirement to create a booking.

  11. In the Find Contacts window, enter the First and Last name and click Find.

  12. Highlight the customer and click Select.

    If the customer does not exist, you can click New Entry to create a new profile.
    » Creating a new customer
  13. Click OK to save this new booking.

Congratulations!  You’ve created a booking!

» Continue to My First Check In
