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Manifest anatomy

Modified November 27, 2017 | Created August 4, 2017 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Module 3: Check In


  • Overview

  • Toolbar

  • Manifest List

  • Filters

  • Assigned Crew

  • State

  • Open/Closed


Filters can be use by employees to tailor the manifest to their needs.

For example, a freight department may wish to filter to view only shipping bookings.

  1. Click Filter.

  2. Click Classes.

  3. Optional.  Check Filter Classes and check the desired classes.

  4. Click the Status tab.
  5. Optional.  Check Filter Status and check the desired status.

  6. Click OK.


  1. Click Luggage.

  2. Select a piece of luggage and press ENTER or double-click to modify.
    » Manage Luggage

Waiting List

  1. Click the Waiting List toggle button.


Ranking allows quick comparison between bookings, generally for standby and/or the waiting list.

  1. Select any booking for comparison.

  2. Click Ranking.
  3. Click by Booking Date or by Check In.

  4. The bookings will be sorted and ranked against related bookings.


Review bookings with a flag assigned

  1. Click Flags.
  2. Click the flag you wish to review.

  3. A list of bookings with the selected flag is shown.

Assign a flag to selected bookings

  1. Select the bookings for the flag.

  2. Click FlagsSet Flags.

  3. Check the desired flags.

  4. Click OK.


Open schedule properties.

  1. Click Schedule.

  2. Select an schedule option.
    » Create a Schedule


The chart provides a breakdown of available on each route.

  1. Click Chart.


Additional resources:
» Schedule State
  1. Click State and select the option.


A printable manifest is available for crew, along with interactive load reports.

» Reports


Broadcast allows employees to notify passengers of schedule delays and changes.

  1. Select the bookings to notify.

  2. Click Broadcast.

  3. Check the notification options and enter your message.

  4. Click Send.