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Setup Passenger Types

Modified October 24, 2017 | Created August 10, 2017 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Operations

Passenger types allow grouping of commonly defined adult, child and infant profiles.

Setup a passenger type

  1. Click Tools > Operations > Passenger Types.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the details.

  4. Click OK.


  • Overview

Automatically link the passenger type to the salutation

The salutation field can be used to automatically drive the passenger type when creating new contacts.

  1. Click Tools > Caching > Address Book > Salutation.
  2. Setup the Salutation / Gender linking.

    Note: Genders must match the passenger types exactly.

  3. Click OK.

Update passenger weights

Standard passenger weights may change over time, you can publish a new weight.

  1. Select a passenger type.
  2. Click Publish.

  3. Click Yes.


