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Routing and Date of Booking filters

Modified November 17, 2017 | Created October 19, 2017 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Accounting

There are powerful business rules which can be applied granularly to manage pricing.

Additional resources:
» Setup Coupons
» Setup Pricing

Setup filtering

  1. Open the filter.

  2. Optional.  Enter the starting and ending date range.

  3. Optional.  Enter the route pairs and apply in both directions.

  4. Optional.  Enter the Time of Day.

  5. Optional.  Set the Days of the Week.

  6. Click the Date of Booking tab.

  7. Optional.  Set the Valid date when booked between.
    This is the date the booking is created.

  8. Click the Options tab.
  9. Set the Booking Agent (internal) and Web Booking (online) options.

  10. Click OK.


Add a morning, midday and afternoon/evening pricing

To adjust pricing during the day simply add inventory items as needed to cover the times.

  1. Add the morning inventory.

  2. Add the midday inventory.

  3. Add the afternoon/evening inventory.

  4. Review the pricing model.

Add a port or landing fee to a single location

This port fee would be applied to all inbound and outbound traffic.

  1. Add the inventory.
  2. Set the Departure and Apply in both directions, if applicable.

  3. Click OK.

Add early bird discounting

  1. Add an inventory item for your discounting.
  2. Click the Date of Booking tab.
  3. Set the Valid date when booked between with days prior to departure.

    This scenario would add the discounted inventory up to 14 days prior to departure.

  4. Click the Options tab.
  5. Optional.  Set the Booking Options.
    To apply to web bookings only, set Booking Agent: No and Web Bookings: Yes.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Review the pricing model.

Add weekend and midday discounting

  1. Add an inventory item for your standard pricing.

  2. Add a discount inventory (negative value) for the midday on weekdays.

  3. Add a discount inventory for the weekend.

  4. Review the pricing model.
