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Find a booking

Modified December 6, 2017 | Created December 13, 2016 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Module 1: Bookings

Find by Booking #

  1. From the main window, press CTRL + F or click Edit > Find > Booking.
    Alternatively, click Search > Booking from the toolbar.

  2. Enter the Booking #.

  3. Click OK.

Find a booking by Invoice #

  1. From the main window, press CTRL + I or click Edit > Find > Invoice.
  2. Enter the Invoice #.

  3. Click OK.

Review the history of a booking

Reviewing the history of a booking, even when the booking has been deleted, can be performed using the Booking #.

  • From the main window, press CTRL + F or click Edit > Find > Booking.
    Alternatively, click Search > Booking from the toolbar.

  • Enter the Booking #.

  • Click the Booking History link.

  • The history of the booking will be listed.
