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My First Schedule

Modified November 22, 2017 | Created December 13, 2016 | Jeff Valair

Filed under Quick Start Guide

Operation level permission required to create a new schedule.
» Setup Employees and Permissions

Let’s create a new schedule!

  1. From the main window, click New Schedule.

  2. The schedule window will open.

  3. In the General tab, enter the basic schedule information.

  4. Enter a Schedule.
  5. Select a Segment.
  6. Select an Equipment.
  7. Select the Status.
    New schedules are generally set to On Time or Scheduled.
  8. Click the Legs tab.

  9. Click Add.
  10. Select the Departure location and enter a date and time.
  11. Select the Arrival location and enter a date and time.

  12. Click OK to save.  Review and add additional legs as required.

  13. Click the Classes tab.

    The classes may already be listed if the equipment has pre-defined classes.
  14. Click Add.  Alternatively, select an existing class and click Edit.
  15. Select a class from the drop-down list.
  16. In the Restrictions section, set the Maximum # of seats and Weight Capacity if applicable.

  17. Click OK to save.
  18. Click the Routes tab.

  19. Click Generate to create the bookable route pairs.

  20. Click OK to save.

Congratulations!  You’ve created your first schedule!

» Continue to My First Booking
